Multi-Tenant Housing Units vs. Sober Homes

As the Delray Beach municipal election draws closer, conversations surrounding affordable housing have become more prominent. Regrettably, some candidates have spread false information by comparing Multi-Tenant Housing Units (MTHUs) with Sober Homes.

Given Delray's history of challenges associated with sober homes, we understand these concerns. In our commitment to public education, we offer the cold hard facts about both types of housing.  Please read this email with an open mind, and then see if you agree that MTHU’s aren’t like sober homes.

First let’s start with defining Multi-Tenant Housing Units (MTHUs) and Sober Homes.

Multi-Tenant Housing Units (MTHU) are a truly affordable housing option that provide clean, safe, and affordable housing to individuals with annual earnings under $35,000 per year, without the need for government assistance.  

MTHU’s are Single Room Occupancy (SRO) units with 21st Century enhancements of internal and external features of the building.  Each room is 100-120 square feet (the area of an apartment bedroom) with a closet and sink.  Rent is $600 per month.  Residents share single occupancy bathrooms and kitchens.  The innovation in this approach is the three-tiered regulatory system (tenant, property manager and landlord) that prevent MTHU’s from becoming a public nuisance like their rooming house predecessors.  

Sober Homes are often single-family homes that serve as the halfway point between a rehabilitation institution and independent society, with residents usually coming from either correctional or inpatient treatment facilities. Drug screenings and house meetings are typical, but there are no paid, clinical positions within the home.

Now that you have a clear understanding, let’s compare them. Consider this:

  1. Sober homes, by construction have a transient population.  They are not meant to be in the homes for more than 6 months.  Multi-Tenant Housing Units (MTHUs) seek to have long-term tenants to provide much-needed stability in the building and neighborhood. Long-term residents are more likely to take care of their homes and neighborhoods.

  2. Sober homes were permitted in Single Family neighborhoods whereas MTHUs are proposed for just Multi-Family and Mixed-Use neighborhoods.

  3. Again by definition, sober home tenants all have a certain level of “baggage,” and many relapse into their former addictions. MTHUs residents are law-abiding people that happen to be low income.

  4. MTHUs will have tenant vetting requirements that will be built into the ordinance.  There are no such laws for sober homes.

If you still feel that Multi-Tenant Housing Units (MTHUs) and Sober Homes are one in the same, we will have to accept that you are unreachable. However, for those who are open to listening, we hope we have provided you with enough information to show you the benefit of MTHUs, both for the individuals living in them, and the community surrounding them.


4 Step Vetting Plan for Multi-Tenant Housing Units


Innovative Affordable Housing Option: PadSplit